Law is the system of rules that regulates human behavior, enforcing an order and creating justice in society. Its precise definition is the subject of ongoing debate. Law may be described as a normative science that lays down standards for human conduct or as an empirical or social science. However, law is unique from other sciences in that it lacks a descriptive or causal character and instead relies on a set of prescriptive normative statements about what people ought to do or not do.
Law shapes politics, economics, history and society in many ways. It serves several purposes: It provides a formal means of resolving disputes between individuals, it governs the economic and political system of a country, it sets social values and enables freedom of speech, religion and expression of personal views. It also protects a society’s shared beliefs and values. In addition to establishing what behaviors are considered right or wrong in a particular context, it also defines the rights and responsibilities of businesses and their employees.
It can be broken down into two main categories: civil law and common law. Civil law is defined by laws passed by a legislative body and codified in statutes. Common law is the term for a legal system that bases its rulings on case law. Judges, rather than legislators, make the rulings in common law jurisdictions and their decisions are binding on other judges when dealing with similar cases.
There are a number of definitions of Law: John Austin’s Definition of Law: – a general rule of external human action enforced by the State. This definition of law is often criticized for ignoring the moral and ethical aspects of Law. Another definition of Law is that of Thomas Erskine Holland: – law is the command of a sovereign, containing a rule of life for his subjects and obliging them to obedience. This definition of Law is also criticized for failing to take into account the idealistic aspects of Law.
A third definition of Law is that of Hans Kelsan: – the hierarchy of norms, every rule derives its validity from a superior norm. This is known as the ‘grundnorm’ of law. He further states that law is a combination of the primary rules of obligations and secondary rules of recognition.
Regardless of the definition of Law that is adopted, it is important to remember that a legal system is comprised of multiple laws and that it must be fair, transparent and open. It must be easily accessible and understood by citizens and businesses alike. It must ensure equality of all citizens before the law and prevent arbitrary forms of government. It must also be clear, publicized and enforced impartially by trained judges. The role of the Law in a society is essential to maintain peace and order, promote prosperity and provide a safe environment for all. It is important to keep in mind that law cannot exist without a society that supports it.