The Daily News at Yale University

Daily News

Founded in 1919 by Joseph Medill Patterson, the Daily News was one of the first tabloid newspapers in the United States. Its smaller size and format appealed to commuters riding the subway system, and it quickly established itself as the largest newspaper in the nation by offering sensational stories of crime and scandal, titillating photographs and cartoons, and reader contests. The paper also built a reputation for protecting the rights of its readers, earning a Pulitzer Prize for E.R. Shipp’s pieces on race and welfare, as well as Mike McAlary’s police-brutality coverage of Haitian immigrant Abner Louima.

The Daily News’s iconic newspaper building was designed by architect Raymond Hood and completed in 1929. The 36-story Art Deco structure was considered one of the most innovative and modern skyscrapers in the city at the time, and it became known for its utilitarian appearance that would later be used as inspiration for the fictional Daily Planet in the Superman franchise. The building is a designated landmark of the New York City Historic Preservation Commission.

By the mid-1970s, the Daily News had shifted from a staunchly conservative stance to what is now described as “a flexibly centrist perspective.” Its editorial policy emphasizes that the paper serves as “the eyes and ears of New York” and that it provides its readers with “The Truth About the World.”

A variety of archival photos from the newspaper’s rich history can be found in the News Room exhibition at the Newseum. The gallery is open to the public and includes the front pages of many editions of the paper, and it also features clipped articles, news photos, and advertising.

Today, the newspaper continues to focus on local issues and New York City exclusives. Its staff of award-winning writers, columnists and opinion formers is well respected for their commitment to fair and balanced reporting. The newspaper also has an extensive social media presence and has a large and loyal following of New York sports fans, particularly the Yankees, Mets, and Giants.

Yale’s Daily News Historical Archive is open to the general public and contains over 140 years of digitized print editions. This collection was generously funded by an anonymous Yale College alumnus, which enables the archive to continue to grow and provide access for future generations. The archive also contains a wealth of original source material, including more than 300 interviews with former Daily News editors and contributors who have gone on to prominent careers in journalism and other fields. Permission for reprint is granted on a case-by-case basis through the Yale Daily News Rights and Permissions website.