The Daily News

The Daily News is a tabloid newspaper published in New York City, United States. It is one of the oldest and most widely read English-language newspapers in the world, with a daily circulation of over 2.4 million. The paper is renowned for its bold presentation and focuses on news, celebrity gossip, classified ads, comics, sports, and more. In addition to its prestigious print edition, the News also offers several digital platforms that engage with readers.

The News was founded in 1919 and was the first newspaper printed in tabloid format. At its peak circulation in 1947, it was the largest newspaper in the country. It was the first newspaper to feature color photography and specialized in investigative journalism. In the 20th century it became known for its focus on political wrongdoing, and in particular, scandals involving Wallis Simpson, the love interest of King Edward VIII that led to his abdication. The newspaper also emphasized social and entertainment news, particularly that pertaining to its home city of New York.

In the 21st century, the News struggled with declining print advertising sales and circulation as readers and advertisers shifted to online sources for their information. It also battled a muscular hometown rival, the tabloid-oriented New York Post. Its owner, real estate magnate Mort Zuckerman, tried to sell the newspaper in 2015, but ultimately decided to keep it.

Tronc bought the Daily News in June 2021, assuming the newspaper’s liabilities and acquiring a number of its properties. In return, the company obtained a New York media presence and a large news website with 25 million unique monthly visitors.

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