

Article: Entertaiment

Something affording pleasure, diversion, or amusement, as a performance, game, or pastime: solving the daily crossword is an entertainment for many.

The entertainment industry may be defined as any activity that entertains or amuses an audience, from professional storytelling in the Persian tradition of Scheherazade to opera and film adaptations; orchestral works by composers like Rimsky-Korsakov, Ravel, and Szymanowski; a wide range of novels, including those dealing with social backstabbing and murder; and games.

Often abbreviated as entmt or entmt, especially on fliers and in industry news publications when space is limited. Children’s entertainment is usually centred on play, which either mimics adult activities (watching performances or playing games such as marbles) or prepares them for those activities through learning through social interaction and motor skills (through dolls, pets, and group games). This also enables them to relax by watching TV and using tablet computers.